We are connecting our communities with Jesus to transform lives.

Our God Dream (mission) is to connect our communities with Jesus to transform lives. Everything we are doing on a daily basis needs to help us move toward this goal. Every aspect of our church-life and our personal journey of faith should be helping us to make this a consistent reality. Every. Action. Matters.

Core values are what guide us into fulfilling our God Dream (mission) but they don’t happen without YOU! To learn more about what you can do to steward (intentionally order) your life in such a way that you’re becoming a faithful participant in the work that God is doing through Mountain Park UMC, you can learn about our five key “Stewardship Principles” below.

“With all this going for us [the hope of salvation], my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort.”
— 1 Corinthians 15:58 (MSG Translation, addition ours)

Scripture teaches us that there is a spiritual dimension to how we manage the physical resources in our lives. How do we use them? Are we greedy or stingy? Or are we content and generous? What we choose to do with our physical resources is an indicator of our heart – of our motivation. Do we serve ourselves with the things we’ve been given or do we serve God? Our hope is that we will grow in generosity because it reflects the character of God.

There are 5 key disciplines that we can give generously in order to have a greater impact in our community:



1. PRAYER - Spending time in prayer each day, and studying and reflecting on the Bible to experience the living Word of hope in the written word of Scripture.

2. PRESENCE - Celebrating God’s presence in worship with a faith community, and experiencing Christian community in a small group to pray, learn, and grow together.


3. GIFTS - Practicing Christian stewardship through the biblical discipline of tithing (giving A Minimum of 10% of our income to the church)

4. SERVICE - Discovering our spiritual gifts and participating in God’s work through the ministry of the church. 

5. WITNESS - Inviting others to experience God’s love and become disciples of Jesus Christ.

Each of these disciplines are vital to be an active follower of Jesus. We commit to growing in all 5 areas to become more faithful disciples of Jesus. There may be some areas we excel at, while others take effort and intentionality in order to cultivate them in our daily lives. We’re here to encourage you, equip you, and engage you in the work that God has called us to at such a time and place as this. A helpful exercise for you to do in order to assess where you are in each of these five areas is to ask yourself the following:

  • Do I (pray, show-up, give, serve, share) at all? If not, maybe God is calling me to start today.

  • Do I (pray, show-up, give, serve, share) sporadically? If so, maybe God is calling me to do this more regularly.

  • Do I (pray, show-up, give, serve, share) consistently? If so, maybe God is calling me to do even more.

  • Do I (pray, show-up, give, serve, share) generously? If not, maybe God is calling me to go beyond what I previously thought was possible.

We should be doing at least something in all 5 areas - that’s the least we could do! But God always invites us to more - for every action to align with God!

Are you ready to make a difference?


The first thing we want you to do is to assess where you are in each of the 5 areas discussed above with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Next, we want to invite you to make a prayer about where God is leading you to grow in each of those areas. Have a conversation with God and listen to what the next faithful step on your journey of faith is going to be in order to make a difference - you might be surprised by what God is calling you to do!

Once you’ve done these two things, we want you to pledge - or make a commitment - about how you’re going to make an impact for 2022. See how to pledge below:


Pledge Financially

Pledging financially lets us know how much giving we can anticipate in order to keep the ministries of Mountain Park UMC thriving! Click on the button below to make your pledge now or sign-in to Realm to update your pledge.


Give Now

Are you interested in pledging or giving today? You can give online once or with a recurring gift as well as make a pledge!



Learn more about how to start and manage your online giving!



Pledging your prayers, presence, service, and witness will help us faithfully fulfill our God Dream (mission) through our core values. Fill out the form below to make your commitment and learn more about how you can serve through the life of our church.


Cultivating Generosity


Learn more about cultivating a generous heart and begin putting it into practice!