Current status


(as of February 16, 2022)

MPUMC’s operational status will occur in one of two settings: Low-Risk and High-Risk

Low-Risk Status: number of cases reported are 101-499 cases per 100,000 people

High-Risk Status: number of cases reported are >500 cases per 100,000 people


Policy Document

Here is our new, simplified policy


Church Policies

Above is our newly revised and simplified church policy approved by our Health and Safety Team for facilitating in-person worship and other essential ministries, whether in low risk or high risk.

The Ministerial staff, in conjunction with the Health and Safety team, will monitor the trends of the case rates in the 3 Zip code areas of 30039, 30047 and 30087 and if the numbers begin to trend upward we will re-evaluate whether or not we need to temporarily suspend in person gatherings on the church campus, particularly if MPUMC is operating in the High Risk Status.

Safety Guidelines

Mountain Park United Methodist Church will use the Gwinnett, Rockdale, and Newton Counties Health Departments (GNR) and the data reported on their dashboard for specific zip codes surrounding the MPUMC campus as our data source. The data provided on this website will be our source for determining the level of our operational status going forward. This data will be monitored by both church staff and the Health and Safety Committee. This data may be found at: Our operational status will indicate the types and places of gatherings that are able to take place on our church campus. (Please see policy document above)


Here are various agencies to keep you updated on the latest reporting on the novel coronavirus. (click on an image below to be taken to each respective website)

Here are some local organizations that may address your needs.


We know your life has been effected in more ways than one and we

Pastoral care and staff support

Need to speak with a pastor or with one of our staff? You can call and/or email to touch base and make an appointment.

Additional care can be provided through our Stephen Ministry* team and network. Contact our team below.

*Learn more about Stephen Ministry here

Church Updates & Responses to COVID-19