Rev. Dr. Millie L. Kim

I have several Bible verses that I like, but Acts 3:6 tops the list by far, “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.”  It describes me and who I am.  When you look at me, I do not have much to offer.  I am an Asian woman, the lowest of the totem pole. In addition, I am not the prettiest, tallest, richest, smartest in the world BUT I have Jesus in my heart.  That makes me greater and better than the prettiest, tallest, richest, smartest in the world because all things are possible with our Lord, Jesus Christ. Just like Peter, I have been transformed by the presence of Jesus in my life, and ever since then, I am a fisher of all people (all means all, y’all!). I have 25 years of ministry experience under my belt so I am not so naive to think it is easy to catch people, let alone fish.  I also know people are floppier, slimeyer, dirtier, stinkier than fish.  That’s why Jesus came, and I have the pleasure of serving the master fisherman.  I am so excited about where God is leading Mountain Park UMC and am so grateful that I can be part of that epic story.  

I am married to Kevin Soh, and we have two girls, Leigh (11) and Sophia (9).  We are a powerhouse for Jesus! My goals for the first year at Mountain Park is to preach excellent sermons, get to know you, and bring financial stability to the church, and I hope you hold me accountable for these goals.

If you care to know, this is my 7th appointment as an Elder in N. GA Conference: Glenn Memorial UMC, Leland UMC, GBGM Missionary to Mongolia, Bascomb UMC,  Alpharetta First UMC, and Second Avenue UMC. Needless to say, I have a heart for the local church and its ministries.  I am a graduate of Wheeler High School (Marietta, GA), Emory College (BA in Classics), Candler School of Theology (M.Div.), Wesley Theological Seminary (D.Min. in Public Engagement), and University of Georgia (Certificate in Gerontology).  

If you are wondering how to address me in church, I am most comfortable with “Millie.” But if you don’t feel comfortable with that, you can call me, “Pastor Millie.”