He has told you, human one, what is good and
what the Lord requires from you:
to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God.
— Micah 6:8 (CEB)

The Agape Reconciling Community (ARC) is a part of Reconciling Ministries Network, a United Methodist ministry that equips and mobilizes United Methodists of all sexual orientations and gender identities to work to advance justice and inclusion for all LGBTQ people in The United Methodist Church and beyond.

Having a reconciling community at MPUMC lets our surrounding community know that we welcome and affirm everyone. It also lets the United Methodist Church know that MPUMC has a community of believers who stand with many other reconciling UMC congregations and communities in seeking to change the exclusionary, hurtful language in the UMC Book of Discipline.

You can read our Welcoming Statement below.

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Why Now?

How this intersects with our greater United Methodist denomination.

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Join Us!

Learn more about how you can gracefully engage.

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Why Here?

How we embrace God’s limitless love through our local church and in our surrounding communities.



Building Bridges

Our work within the Bridging Community

The Mountain Park UMC Agape Reconciling Community (ARC) recognizes the crucial nature of each conversation in The Bridges Movement at Mountain Park. We support the dialog and mission statement being developed by each Bridges Conversation (Racial Reconciliation, LGBTQ Inclusion). Each Bridge cannot stand alone but works in harmony and unison with the others to inspire the church to be all the Holy Spirit asks us to be, Christ in the world.

Learn more about our other Bridges and how you can connect.