So let’s strive for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up.
— Romans 4:19 (CEB)
We have many parts in one body, but the parts don’t all have the same function. In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one body in Christ, and individually we belong to each other.
— Romans 12:4-5 (CEB)

The Agape Reconciling Community (ARC) strives to connect with all of our neighbors through the Holy Spirit. We are called to work toward a community of faith at Mountain Park UMC that welcomes everyone and reflects the beautiful diversity of the Mountain Park/Stone Mountain/Lilburn community. We are called to work toward building a church where all believers are encouraged to follow God’s calling and be celebrated for sharing their gifts. We value the wholeness made possible in a community equally shared and shepherded by all.

We acknowledge that the United Methodist Church and by extension, our own congregation, has not fulfilled the promise of Jesus. We have accepted a church where our welcome fell short. We have not supported our LGBTQ brothers and sisters and we have not questioned harmful language in the United Methodist Church Book of Discipline. As followers of Jesus and members of Mountain Park UMC, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and pledge to stand in solidarity with LGBTQ people and all who are marginalized and oppressed.

So welcome each other, in the same way that Christ also welcomed you, for God’s glory.
— Romans 15:7 CEB

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Why This?

Learn more about this group and our commitment to LGBTQI+ inclusion.

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Join Us!

Learn more about how you can gracefully engage.

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Why Now?

How this intersects with our greater United Methodist denomination.



Building Bridges

Our work within the Bridging Community

The Mountain Park UMC Agape Reconciling Community (ARC) recognizes the crucial nature of each conversation in The Bridges Movement at Mountain Park. We support the dialog and mission statement being developed by each Bridges Conversation (Racial Reconciliation, LGBTQ Inclusion). Each Bridge cannot stand alone but works in harmony and unison with the others to inspire the church to be all the Holy Spirit asks us to be, Christ in the world.

Learn more about our other Bridges and how you can connect.